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Functions CLI Commands

PhotonIQ Functions provides a powerful CLI tool that enables you to develop, manage, and execute functions both locally and on remote servers from your terminal. This CLI streamlines the process of creating, testing, debugging, and deploying functions, providing an efficient and integrated workflow for developers.

The PhotonIQ Functions CLI tool is divided into two main command sets:

  • Local commands: Interact with a local instance of the PhotonIQ Functions service running on your machine. These commands are ideal for developing, testing, and debugging functions.
  • Remote commands: Manage and interact with functions deployed on the PhotonIQ Functions remote server.

Rule of Thumb

For commands that accept <function-name>, follow these guidelines:

  • When inside the function’s directory or if you only have one function, you can simply run:

    faas <command>

    # Example:
    faas build
  • When outside the function’s directory or if you have multiple functions, specify the function name:

    faas <command> <function-name>

    # Example:
    faas build <function-name>

Local CLI Commands

To use local commands, run:

faas <COMMAND>

faas new [flags]

The new command initializes a new function project in a specified language or framework. The available options are JavaScript, Rust, and Next.js, with Rust as the default. This command generates a project directory pre-configured with example functions to help you get started. For detailed information on each language, see Using Functions.

faas new <function-name> 


  • --lang

Select a language/framework the function should be created in.

faas new <function-name> --lang js
faas new <function-name> --lang rust
faas new <function-name> --lang nextjs

faas build

The build command compiles a function, preparing it for testing. Note that JavaScript functions do not require a build process.

faas build <function-name> 

faas list

Displays all functions currently available on your local server.

faas list

faas info

Retrieves metadata for a specific function on the local server.

faas info <function-name> 

faas run

Runs a function on a local instance that simulates the PhotonIQ Functions remote server.

faas run <function-name> 

faas execute [flags]

Executes a local function with optional data or headers passed during the call.

faas execute <function-name> 


  • --file

Executes the function using data from a specified JSON file.

  • --data

Executes the function with inline data.

  • --header

Executes the function with HTTP headers.

faas execute <function-name> --file <data-file>       
faas execute <function-name> --data '<your-data>'
faas execute <function-name> --header 'key1: value1'

faas delete [flags]

Removes a function from the local server.

faas delete <function-name> 

### `faas login`

Log in to the PhotonIQ Functions service with the appropriate credentials for your server (API_URL and API_KEY).

faas login


  • --force

Force the deletion of a function.

faas delete <function-name> --force

faas help

Displays available commands and usage instructions for the local and remote server.

faas --help
faas -h
faas remote --help
faas remote -h

Every command will also accept the -h or --help flag to see help for that command.

Remote CLI Commands

To use remote commands, run:

faas remote <COMMAND>

faas remote deploy

Deploys a locally built function to the PhotonIQ Functions remote server.

faas remote deploy <function-name>

faas remote execute

Executes a function deployed on the remote server. The latest version is executed by default, but you can specify a version or alias.

faas remote execute <function-name>
faas remote execute <function-name> [<version>|<alias>]


  • --data

Passes data to the function from a JSON file for execution.

  # Execute the latest version of a remote function with data
faas remote execute <function-name> --file data.json

# Execute a specific version of a remote function with data
faas remote execute <function-name> "1.0.0" --file data.json

# Execute a remote function by alias with data
faas remote execute <function-name> "dev" --file data.json

faas remote list

Displays all functions currently deployed on the remote server.

faas remote list

faas remote version list

Shows all available versions of a specific remote function.

faas remote version list <function-name>

faas remote alias list

Lists all aliases associated with a specific function.

faas remote alias list <function-name>

faas remote alias update

Sets or updates an alias for a function, allowing management of multiple versions with relative weights.

faas remote alias update <function-name> <alias-name> --version <version> --weight <weight>


  • --version

Specifies the function version for the alias.

  • --weight

Assigns a relative weight to the function version for load balancing.

faas remote alias update <function-name> <alias-name> --version <version> --weight <weight> 

# [Example ]Set or update an alias for a function with multiple version weights
faas remote alias update "my-function" "stable" --version 1.0.0 --weight 0.5 --version 2.0.0 --weight 0.5

faas remote alias info

Retrieves detailed information about a specific alias for a function.

faas remote alias info <function-name> <alias-name>

faas remote info

Provides information about a function on the remote server. If no version is specified, details for the latest version are returned.

faas remote info <function-name> [<version>]

faas remote download

Download the WebAssembly (WASM) module for a function. By default, it downloads the latest version.

faas remote download <function-name> [<version>]

faas remote delete

Deletes a function or a specific version from the remote server.

faas remote delete <function-name> 
faas remote delete <function-name> [<version>]


  • --force

Force delete a function version or a specific version of the function on the remote server.

faas remote delete <function-name>  --force
faas remote delete <function-name> [<version>] --force