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Using the Virtual Waiting Room

Using the VWRs follows these steps:

  • Authenticating with an API key
  • Configuring a VWRs Edgeworker
  • Creating your Waiting room
  • Interacting and monitoring your waiting room

Creating an API key

To create an API key with the Web Console:

  1. Login to the PhotonIQ VWRs GUI console.
  2. Click on API Keys from the tab.
  3. Click Add New API Key
  4. Configure your key by filling in the following details:
  • Key ID: A unique ID for your key
  • Role: Select a role for your key. Roles available are Admin, Editor, and viewer and determine the permissions available to the key.
  • TTL: Validity period of your API key.

Toggle the Activated button to activate or deactivate your API Key. 5. Click on Add API Key